Sunday, May 10, 2009

Last Day Before Class Begins

Today I took a island bus tour that took us along the western coast and down to the southern end of the island. Although the buses here are definitely not made for anyone over six feet tall, I had a very good, although tiring, time and saw some amazing sights.

Being the last day before classes start for the semester, I will not have as many new photos to post for a while. My head will be in a book for the next 4 months, but I will occasionally update this blog because I've taken way more beautiful and interesting pictures than the few I have uploaded so far.

Okay. Here goes.

The buses lined up on campus, ready to take us on our island tour

View from a bluff overlooking the capital city of Roseau. It was raining fairly hard, thus the haze.

Dominica's only sports stadium was built to attract international Cricket tournaments

This tree is known as a cannonball tree because of its cannonball shaped fruit. The driver also called it "Devil's Poo" because apparently the fruit smells terrible if you crack it open.
The elevation changes in this country are breathtaking. Here, mist shrouds the top of a mountain in the distance.

More amazing scenery
Climbing the slippery, mossy rocks up to Trafalgar Falls. One of many spectacular waterfalls in Dominica, Trafalgar Falls is actually a set of three waterfalls all right by each other. The hike up close to the falls was a lot of fun, although probably a bit dangerous considering it was raining.
One of the three falls that are all in close proximity to each other.

In order to get to this position, I had to climb up a bunch of wet boulders. Only a few of us made it up this far, but it was worth it. The thundering of the falls all around you, and the warm mist hitting your face was amazing.

This video helps show how amazing the Trafalgar Falls is from up close

The roads get insanely close to the ocean. This was taken from the bus window.

Soufriere Bay with Scotts Head protruding out into the sea. Scotts Head is the barrier between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. One the far side is the pounding surf of the Atlantic, while the inner side is the tranquil waters of the Caribbean.
View from the thin connection between the main island and Scotts Head, looking north.

Boats in Soulfriere Bay

We got an amazing view of Soufriere Bay from the little mountain on Scotts Head. The hike up to this position was also a bit difficult, requiring me to scale some steep boulders, which was a lot of fun.

A look down the cliff on top of Scotts Head


Meg said...

Everything looks so beautiful! Good luck with school starting up soon. You`ll do great, I know it :). Study hard but don`t forget to go out and enjoy yourself. I`ll miss you!


Anonymous said...

Jim, the island looks like a tropical paradise. Snorkeling and hiking must have been a blast! There's nothing like getting out of the concrete and pavement of the city and out into nature-just think of the health benefits being there instead of the polluted US!
Those waterfalls are pretty sweet, as is the entire island.

It's like experiencing a whole new culture I'm sure and school will be a challenge I expect, but hey, it's med school, it's supposed to be. The facilities at Ross sound great-I'm sure their workout room will be much bigger than Keough's! Plus you'll be able to check out some cricket games it looks like (where do you see that in the US?) I was glad to see that the Cubs beat Milwaukee this past Sunday and that Derrek Lee is off the disabled list. I'm hoping for a cross-town world series this year-the cubs have to break the streak one of these days...

I just got back last week after finals-it's great to finally be a senior. I'm looking forward to this year's football season-last one, so it'll be a trip. Right now it looks like the pro-life protesters are getting all riled up for Obama's speech outside campus. Did you hear about Alan Keyes getting arrested? Pretty funny. I just think that all these pro-life protesters are embarassing. Regardless, the seniors will graduate and life will go on.

Buckle down with your studies, and enjoy the caribbean! How are the students there? Pretty easy going?

Apparently Domenica is also a popular european grunge band:

morokoy said...

Great pictures - keep them coming. Don't get too familiar with the KFC, Starbucks, etc, watch your diet - did you know that Dominica has 22 centenarians! This is where I would like to retire!